Monday, January 26, 2009

meat ! =)

soo basically i jus seen on my nephew kertnys blog (
that she a fckn veg-head and she meat bashn...1st and formost FCK ALL U VEG-HEADS !!
mofckas been eatn meat since the beignnin of time and we still here not sayn it aint koo to have veggies at a meal but if thats all u gonna eat u bitch made. that why yall stink and shit
and who gives a fck bout a animals feelns they hear for us to eat soo eat that nigga shit

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the best

simply the best movie ever ,

jus thought yall niggas shud kno

Food4TheSoul - Play

soo this has been eatn at me for a while now
like why cant ppl be creative nowadays
wht happend to taken risk and chamces wit wht u wear or wit jus anythin
u kno like why do u rarely see ppl wit the own sense of self
ppl who says fck wht u and the establishment doo this wht im about
them to me is the kinda ppl that make the world go round
like be who u are and not wht u think u shud be
fck if u a doodoo if thats who u is be the best one u can be
if u can dress then good fo u be yoself
i jus hate wen ppl fall into trend they dont make or if u do fall into a trend put yo own spin on
that shit like fck we all is different ppl wit different minds soo why not act like it ?
sooo if u cant find yoself my one peace of advice is go soul search wit my man Q-tip aka The Abstract

poem - chubbs

out here in los scandelous , kilifornia
where men act like women &
women do nothing but scorn ya .

words of wisdom - chubbs

after seeing the movie about big, ive come to realize... .is it ever that serious? i mean look at the big picture.. . think everything out. .you only have 1 life to live so why corrupt it with bull ya kno. take it easy. life can be a wonderful thing. . peace is everywhere but you gotta tolerate what comes... in conclusion, love, live, life, proceed, progress.



soooo basically the homie nicole sent us this video.

and i thought it was blogg worthy bcus i like fights

hope u enjoy <3>

Saturday, January 24, 2009

whts in yo damn cup !

Welcome !!

sup niggas & b****s ,
welcome to "LookInMyCuP" the blog that u need and deserve
this blog is brought to u by the great and creative minds of ,
Richard "Play" Culpepper & David "Chubbs" Busby ,
basically we finna be real and shit and tell you how we feel wen we feel it .
Now the blog is finna go over alot of yall niggas heads soo this is yo warnin !!
if u also feel us on any subject hit us up wit comments wit yo own opinon.
Yeaaa soo any and all topics will be discussd.
sooo basically ppl jus show a nigga sum love lol and FCK PEACE !